In today’s economy, many people are finding that it is becoming harder to save money. It seems like every time you turn, you have to spend money on something. From your kids’ clothes to maintenance on your car, money seems to just be flying away from you. It also doesn’t help that the cost of many day-to-day items seems to constantly be rising. From the price of gas to the price of food, everything just continues to increase. If you’re constantly on the go and have an iPhone, why not download the following apps to help you save some money. The apps are sorted from helping you manage your budget, helping you earn rewards for the shopping you do and helping you save on gas.
Award Lite
Award Lite is an essential phone app if you have a lot of reward programs you participate in. It does the work for you of keeping track of your points. It also lets you know when it is time to redeem any of your points. is a free app, which does the work of categorizing your finances for you. It will automatically organize your spending into specific categories. Originally a website, has been around since 2005.
Shopkick is a free shopping app for iPhones. Depending on where you shop, you can earn “kicks” or reward points. You can also earn “bonus kicks” if you scan specific items within participating stores. When you earn enough “kicks,” you can redeem them on reward points for retail or restaurant gift cards.
Ace Budget Lite
Ace Budget Lite is a 99-cent budget app designed for iPhones that will allow you to keep track of your budget on the go. The app located here, divides the items you spend on into categories. The categories are Income, Groceries, Eating Out, Clothing, Movies, Transportation and Utilities.
Gas Budget
Gas Budget is an app, which allows you to find the cheapest price of gas locally. This app is great for people who want to save money on gas as they’re on the go. You can also earn points toward give-aways if you use the app to report the gas prices you found. Reporting the gas points you find, allows other people to also take advantage of the great gas savings.
The five apps listed above are great apps for saving money. They are also great for finding cheap gas, managing your budgets and earning rewards on your spending. If you want to save and you have an iPhone then you should definitely look at downloading these apps.